F undraising & presentation

B ooks

M usic

D ance/Performance

Eiko Nishida
Present Moment
June 29 - August 12, 2023
New York, 2023 – Atamian Hovsepian Curatorial Practice is pleased to present Present Moment, a one-day experience with an audience-engaged installation by Eiko Nishida on view on June 29th, 2023.
The performance features a special guest speaker, Reverend Cheryl Ikemiya from the New York Buddhist Church, who leads everyone on a participatory experience–Walking Meditation. The work completes itself with the audience’s participation, and it invites you to wonder about interdependence and perception in a unique space for being and meditation.
In Buddhism, a mandala is used to focus attention on practitioners and create a sacred space. This mandala comprises circular patterns of lotus petals, which signify the flower that rises through the mud to bloom.
F ilm

The River You Step In, 2023
Cinémaintenant presents Marjory avenue productions, glimcoop & Aliyah film poductions picture Astrid van Wieren, Sharmilla Dey, Daniel Briere, Claire Bruns, Marcel Stewart, Wes Berger, Michaela Washburn, Andrew Jackson, Anita Selva, Sera-Kys Mcarthur, Sean Baek in “The River You Step In”
Cinematographer: Blake Hannahson
Editor: Jason Sharman
Composer: Andy Trithardt
Songs by: Jani Lauzon, Astrid Van Wieren, The Cathouse dogs
Produced by: Emily Andrews, Jon Michaelson, Laura Nordin, Jason Sharman, Astrid Van Wieren
Assiociate producer: Robbie Michaelson
Writen by: Jon Michaelson with Astrid Van Wieren and Derek Brown
Directed by: Jon Michaelson

Aurora's Sunrise
A genocide survivor becomes a silent movie star: Aurora Mardiganian's odyssey is close to unreal. After losing her family, escaping slavery, and enduring Hollywood greed, she journeys far to tell the world of the Armenian Genocide.
Cinematographer: Vardan Brutyan
Editor: Ruben Ghazaryan
Composer: Christine Aufderhaar
Produced by: Christian Beetz, Kestutis Drazdauskas, Eric Esrailian, Vardan Hovhannisyan, Juste Michailinaite, Inna Sahakyan
Associate producers: Angela Frangyan, Yelizaveta Petrosyan, Khane Poghosyan, Anna Ter-Gabrielyan, Anna Zakaryan
Writen by: Peter Liakhov, Kerstin Meyer-Beetz, Inna Sahakyan
Directed by: Inna Sahakyan